
Saturday, July 14, 2012

6 Month stats on Glenn

Weight:17 pounds and 27 inches long at his appointment 

Diaper Size:size 3 although a little big size 2 was cutting into his leg

Clothes Size: 6-9,9 and 12 month cloth depending on who made the outfit

Sleep:You now go down between 8-930 and will only wake 1-2 times to eat 

Eating:You eat on demand during the day and twice during the night. You are now eating stage 2 baby foods 1 jar twice a day.

1st:You have had your 1st ear infection and required a visit to Dr.Lippy and had your very 1st play date at the park.

Hair: Your hair is getting thicker and still a sandy blonde color. 

Doc Appts: You saw Dr.Lippy for your very 1st ear infection on April 23rd and then we saw him again for your 6 month appt on May 16.

Friday, April 13, 2012

5 Month Stats on Glenn..

Weight:15.5 lbs on the home scale

Diaper Size: Still in size 2

Clothes Size: 3-6 month onesies, 6 and 9 month rompers and 6-9 month sleepers

Sleep: You are sleping in your crib in your room with big sister Hope. You go down about 8 and sleep til about 2 and wake to eat and then wake again at 4-430 and wake for the day between 730 and 8

Eating: On demand when im at home, and on demand by bottle when im at work. You have recently started baby food and so far you have eaten bananas,applesause, pears and squash.

1st:Met your Grandpa,Grandma Great Grams and Jim for the 1st time this month.

Went to the zoo for the 1st time

thats you hidden in the stroller from the sunlight
  • Tried baby food and rice cereal for the 1st time.
  • You have discorved you feet and love to pull your socks off.
  • You have almost masted puttng your paci back in your mouth, you get it there but then dont let go and pull it back out.
  • You are holding onto toys longer and trying to bring them to your outh to chew on.

Hair: Its growing back in and is looking like it might be dark.

Doc Appts: No planned or unplanned appointments for you this month. Next month we go for you 6 month checkup and shots.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

4 Month Stats on Glenn

Happy 4 Months Sweet Boy!

Weight:14.8 pounds on our home scale

Diaper Size: You are wearing size 2 still
Clothes Size: 3-6 and 6 month clothes right no. I just purchased your spring and summer wardrobe and got 9 and 12 month clothes. I hope you dont outgrown them before you can fit them.
Sleep: You go down about 830-9 at night and will wake 1-2 times to nurse. You wake for the day about 715.
Eating: You are still only getting breastfed.
You celebrated your very 1st Valentines day this month.
  • You slept through the night for the 1st time on your 4 month birthday. It was a much needed night of sleep in our house after a crazy busy weekend with our local Just Between Friends Sale
  • You have officaly laughed out loud at nothing and do crazy belly laughs while you sleep. I think its cute to hear you laugh in your sleep.
  • You are smileing at us all the time now.
  • You have discorved your hands and chew on them all the time.
  • I can give you a paci and you pull it out but have yet to figure out how to get it back.
  • If i give you a toy you will hold it but havent figured out how to get it to your mouth or make it move about just yet but Big Sister Hope is working on that with you.

Hair:You have just about lost all your newborn hair and getting in a light blondish peach fuz.


Doc Appts:No unexpected trips this month. We go later this week to your 4 month checkup and will get all yuor offical stats then.

Our lives have changed so much these last 4 months and i cant hardly remember life without you. In just a few short days you will get t o meet your Grandpa Randy,Grandma Linda, GreatGrams Jackie and Jim( Grams Fiance)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

3 Month Stats on Glenn

Happy 3 Months Sweet Boy!

Weight: You weighed 13# on our home scale today

Diaper Size:2

Clothes Size: 3 and 3-6 month

Sleep: You go down for the night between 8 and 9 and will sleep til 2ish then wake to eat and wake again about 4 and then for the day about 7

Eating: You still only get breastmilk and eat on demand when i am at home. You eat about every 4 hrs while im at work and eating 4oz at a time

1st:  Office visit you being sick

First nebulizer treatment

We spent a night in the hospital on Jan 11 for RSV.
Big sister had a cold and gave her germs to you.

You had your picture taken with Dr.Hermann
who took care of me and you during my pregnancy.


You went to church for the 1st time with your sister and nana.
You stayed with nana in the quite room at church

Hair:You are losing some in the back but still have more than your sisiter did. It still has a red tint to it espically after a bath.

Doc Appts: You had your 2 month check up and were a good little guy until shots.

Your personality is strating to show. You laugh at random times. You smile big ol smiles when we say your name. You love your swing and bouncy chair and are starting to like your bumbo.I cant wait to see the changes you are going to make these next few months. Im already in love beyond words with you now and i know i will fall more in love as you grow and change.  

Sunday, January 8, 2012

2 Month Stats on Glenn

Happy 2 month Birthday sweet boy!

Weight: 12 pounds on our home scale.

Diaper Size: Size 1 but they are not doing a good job at containing the leaks.

Clothes Size: 0-3 and 3 month

Sleep: So much better than last month. Going down between 8-9 and sleep about 5 hours then wake for 1st feeding then everyr 2-3 hrs after that.

Eating: Still on demand when I'm at home, when i work you eat breast milk by bottle on demand and eating anywhere from 16-20oz while I'm away for 12hrs.

1st: This month has been filled with quite a few 1st for Glenn and us.

1st Christmas

Santa was good to you this year

Getting ready for Christmas Day skypeing with
Grandpa and Grandma Counts

We survived our 1st day apart as mom
returned to work on 12-30-11

We rang in the New Year sleeping the old year out and the new year in.
Happy 2012 everyone!

Hair:Glenn still has lots of hair and it has a little red tint to it especially after you just wash it.

Doc Appts:We don't see Dr. Lippy til mid January so i will have official stats on Glenn then.