
Monday, December 5, 2011

1 Month Stats on Glenn

Wearing the outfit your dad wore home from the hospital 26yrs ago.

Glenn tuned 1month old on Sunday December 4,2011. We had a uneventful day at home snuggled up watching the cold rain fall and Sunday football with dad.

Weight:Our home scale says you weigh 8 pounds 8 ounces. Almost 2 pounds since birth..

Diaper Size:We are finishing up the last pack of newborn today and then you will be wearing size one. The newborn is tight on your little legs.

Clothes Size: Some newborn onesie but your sleepers are 0-3 months for the length. You are a long skinny guy.

Sleep: You love to be swaddled at night and if you are not then you are very restless and neither of us sleep much. You are sleeping in the bassinet in our room.Over the last week sleep has gotten better. You now go down for the night about 9pm and will sleep til about 2 am, then you are up at 2,3:30,5 and for the day about 7. I hope we can stay on this schedule with a few less frequent waking after 2 when i return to work.

Eating: During the day you eat about every 1 1/2 to 2 hrs sometimes more frequently. During the night we start with a 5 hr stretch then you wake about every 1 1/2 hr to 2 hrs to eat.

1st:You celebrates your 1st Thanksgiving
You also met Dr. Cutler who delivered you.

Hair:You still have quite a bit a blondish/red hair. It is curly after your bath and super adorable.

Unexpected diagnosis:You were diagnosed as tongue tied on Friday November 11,201 and had you \r tongue clipped on Wednesday November 16,2011 by Dr. Selz. On Tuesday November 22,2011 you were diagnosed with reflux and now take zantac twice a day.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Glenn Michael's arrival...

On Thuraday 11-3-11 i had my 38 wk appt. All looked great on our weekly bio physical profile ultrasound and then we got to the fun stuff, you know the cervical check and discussing induction.

Dr. H. checked me and told me i was 3-4 centimeters dilated and greater than 50% effacced. He wouldnt tell me the exact number due to me being so thin and him knowing i was not going to make it to my goal date of 11-11-11. I came back home to my couch o' bedrest and relaxed the best i could. I had a million things  going on in my head i needed to do before my scheduled induction 8 days later.

I started to notice some contractions about 4:30 that would get my attention but i was able to still go about my daily things. They were about 8-12 minutes apart and lasting about 20-30 seconds. I took a dose of tylenol, drank 2 more bottles of water and took a nap like my co-workers would tell me to do if i called about the contractions.

About 7:15 i notice the contraction have gotten closer coming now 8-10 mins apart and lasting about 30 seconds. I get Hope ready for bed and then take a warm bath and go to bed to wait on Jordan to come home. About 9:30 i notice the contractions are getting a little stronger but still about 8-10 min apart and lasting about 30 seconds.

Jordan gets home about 11 and i take some tylenol pm and try to rest as best i can through the contractions. He comes to bed at about 12:30 and almost the exact time he lays down i have my 1st contraction that takes my breath away and makes me jump out of bed, lean over the side of my bed and sway from side to side through the pain.

I figure i will try another warm bath and pull out my offical contraction timing app and time them. I lay in the tub for about 45 min and time my contractions. At this point they are 2 1/2-3 min apart and lasting about 45 seconds. I get out of the tub to tell Jordan its time to go to the hospital and call my mom to come watch Hope, I now  have a overwhelming amount of rectal pressure. I lean over the bed, couch, and sink and sway from side to side waiting on my mom to arrive and stay with Hope.

We arrive at the hospital at 1:42 am and am whisked right away to a room and checked. I am now 4-5 centimeters dilated and in active labor. I turn into avhorrible patient at this time as all i want to do is get a epidural or pain meds of some sort, set on the potty to reduce the pressure and get some pain control. The nurses rush to get my iv started, call out anesthesia, and notify the doctor. Im allowed up again to the bathroom at about 2:00 and the pressure is worse now than its ever been. The nurses get me to go back to bed and check me again at about 2:05 to discover im fully dilated.  No time for a epidural, no iv pain meds as they will effect the baby after delivery. I begged every staff member who came in my room for some pain meds. I even told the nursery nurse to tell my nurse that the pedi wouldnt care and its ok if the baby doesnt breathe. I was CRAZY talking through all the pain.

The doctor on call that night Dr. T.C.came out to my delivery and was a stern coach to get me to deliver Glenn. I had a great group of nurses and tech who cheered me on and were by my side from the time i arrived until i was all tucked away after delivery. I dont remember ever feeling the ring of fire most women complain about, i remember alot of pain from all the pressure and not wanting to push because it made the pain/pressure worse. I begged the doctor to use the vacuum and cut an episotomy to get Glenn out because i just couldnt do it. He did end up cutting but i dont remember feeling it, we didnt need the vacuum.

This is not how i pictured my delivery. I was expecting a short, sweet induction on 11-11-11 that would include an epidural, my doctor and the same nurse who was at my birth 27yrs ago and then was at Hope's delivery. If it wasnt for the staff and doctor that early friday morning i dont know how i would have ever accomplished this delivery.

At 2:27 am on 11-4-11 i gave birth to Glenn Michael R. weighing in at 6# 14.6 oz and 20.5 inches long. Our family is complete now and over the moon happy. This little guy has already filled our lives with so much joy,love and happiness. He is only 9 days old but i dont remeber what life was like without him.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Glenn Michael has arrived...

If you are my friend on facebook you already know that Glenn has arrived. I will be posting his birth story soon but for now i leave you with some photos and stats on our little guy.

Glenn was born on 11-4-11 at 2:27am. He weighed in at 6# 14.6oz and was 20 1/2inches long.

I hope to update tommorow after our appt with the pedi. Thanks for all the prayers and encouragment during my pregnancy...

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

38 weeks

Ive reached 38 weeks and couldn't be more ready to meet our son. Im 3-4 cm dilated and greater than 50% effaced and -2 station. Ive gained 19 pounds as of today's visit. My daily rountine is mostly loungeing around the house now that im on bedrest due to some elevated blood pessures. My 24 hr urine came back with very little protein and actually had less this time then the sample from 19 weeks. Im mostly spending my days in Jordan's sweats,pjs and t-shirts because the are o'so comfy.. Well thats about all for now. Hoping the next update is pics of our son.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

37 weeks

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:37Weeks 2 days

How Big is Baby:Giant hehehe. It feels like he has grown this last week. According to my baby bump app Glenn should weigh about 6.3 pounds and be about 19.25 inches long. We will find out tomorrow how much he weighs at my growth scan.

Symptoms:Heartburn, being as big as a house, swelling when I'm on my feet a long time. Overall i feel pretty good.

Total Weight Gain:My home scale today says 17 pounds but i will know the real damage to my weight gain tomorrow. Hopefully 17 is right as i only want to gain 20 due to blood pressure problems.

Maternity Clothes:All the time, its maternity clothes and the hubby's clothes and pj's when I'm at home

Stretch Marks: No new ones just a super tight itchy belly

Sleep:Great when we have storms and i take Tylenol pm. I'm getting used to sleeping in 2-4 hr stretches.

Movement:All the time. Glenn is a super active little guy especially after i drink some chocolate milk.

Food Craving:Chocolate milk, food in general.


What I’m Looking Forward To: Meeting my son in 18 days or less oh and the growth ultrasound tomorrow. I love to get a peek at his sweet little face.

Milestones:Making it to a full term pregnancy.

37 weeks 2 day

Thursday, October 20, 2011

36 Wks Belly Shot

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36 weeks

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:36 weeks 4 days

How Big is Baby:Glenn is over 18 inches long and almost 6 pounds. We have a growth ultrasound next Tuesday and will know real estimate of his size then.

Symptoms: Im large and in charge with this baby bump of mine. Just the usual heaetburn and food cravings.

Total Weight Gain:At last weeks appt i was up 13.5 pounds

Maternity Clothes:Excluslively

Stretch Marks:No new ones im aware of

Sleep:Nights following a 12 hr shift i sleep good and on my days off im taking some Tylenol pm to help me get a few good hours in.

Movement:Glenn is super active. You can see him rolling around from outside and Jordan finds it totaaly weird to see him moving.

Food Craving: Choclate milk and food in genetal sounds good.


What I’m Looking Forward To:Our growth ultrasound next week and induction in 22 days.

Milestones:Making it past 35 weeks and every day we get closer to term is a huge milestone.given my previous history.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

32,33,34 AND 35 weeks in photos and quick notes

 Here are my weekly ultrasound picures from 32wks-35wks.

32 wk 3d

33 wk 3 d
Glenn has his hand up infront of his sweet face

No 3d because Glenn was sitting funny and had his hand u in front
of his face. this is a fronto n view and kinda spooky

35 wk once again Glenn has his arm up in front of his face.

Monday, September 26, 2011

33 weeks

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:33 weeks

How Big is Baby: Last week at our ultrasound Glenn weighed in at 4 pounds 11 ounces. He is already as big as big sister Hope was at birth. I just want another healthy baby no matter the size.

Symptoms:Heartburn, Sleepless nights and NESTING

Total Weight Gain:13 pounds at my appt last week

Maternity Clothes:All the time

Stretch Marks: No new ones but my belly itches like crazy

Sleep:What is this? I can get 4 good hours if i take benadryl but then i have a benadryl hangover and feel foggy minded all day.

Movement: All the time, Glenn is defiantly going to give us a run for our money. He is already way more active than Hope ever was
Food Craving:Food on general. Today its been burgers,fries and Braums peanut butter cup ice cream

What I Miss:NOTHING OK maybe i miss a good nights sleep but i wouldn't trade that for this experience and the new baby we will be bringing home soon.

What I’m Looking Forward To: Maternity pics this Sunday, The upcoming Just between friends sale to find Glenn and Hope some great thing at great prices. Also i have another ultrasound on Friday and cant wait to see our little man

Milestones: Making it to 33 weeks and so far cross all things we can cross and knock on all the wood in the world no blood pressure issues.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Belly shots so far....

I thought i would put all my belly shots in 1 post for viewing as next weekend we are scheduled for maternity phots.

8 weeks

12 weeks

16 weeks

20 weeks

28 weeks

30w 7 days

32 weeks

I still cant believe how much i have grown so far. Im kinda scared to see how big i get over the next 7 weeks. 

Glenn Michael's Nursery

All that is missing ig his name and crib blanket

Changing area

Adorable lamp made by a friend

Our adorable Mario themed dipaer bag

32 plus weeks

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:32 weeks 4 days

How Big is Baby: At our appt today Glenn weighed in at 4# 11oz. This is what Hope weighed at #5 weeks birth. I have a feeling he might be a big baby..

Symptoms:Random heartburn and lack of sleep

Total Weight Gain: 13 pounds

Maternity Clothes:All the time

Stretch Marks: No new ones but my belly sure does itch like crazy

Sleep:Next to impossible. I can get a good 4hr stretch is i take Tylenol pm but i don't like the way i feel after i wake up for the day after I've taken it.

Movement: All the time. Glenn is way more active than Hope ever was although she was mush smaller apparently then he is so her movement probably was a strong as his.

Food Craving: Food in general, I had a tummy bug at the beginning of the week and all i wanted after it passed was meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

What I Miss:Nothing but i would love for just 1 good night of sleep before he arrives in 7 short weeks.

What I’m Looking Forward To: My weekly doctor appt and ultrasounds. I love looking at my adorable baby on ultrasound and cant wait to hold him in my arms.

Milestones: Getting to 32 weeks without any blood pressure problems. This is when my blood pressure started going up with Hope and we were never able to get a good control on it before i delivered.

Monday, September 12, 2011

31 weeks 1 day

Due Date:11/13/2011
How Far Along:31 Weeks 1 day
How Big is Baby:Glenn should measure about 16.25 inches and weigh about 3.3 pounds according to my baby bump app. About the size of 4 naval oranges.

Total Weight Gain: I stepped on the scale to day to see if i had gained any weight this weekend from our trip and having my band released and I'm still the same weight... Woohoo for that.
Maternity Clothes:All the time
Stretch Marks: No new ones

Sleep:I'm waking every 2 hrs like clockwork to pee or readjust my position in bed. Ive slept on my left side most of this pregnancy but its starting to become uncomfortable now

Movement:All the time. I get worried if he isn't active and drink something sugary and lay down and do kick counts. It has worked so far to reassure me.
Food Craving:Food in general...
What I’m Looking Forward To: Our appt next week and ultrasound. Hopefully we will also start our weekly visit to L&D for non-stress test. I know i should be excited about those but i am as it will be more reassurance that everything is good and if it ts not hopefully we will catch it early and get a few more weeks in utero on bed rest.

Milestones:WE have made it to 31 weeks. We are in the 3rd trimester and feeling great.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

30 weeks 3 day

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along: 30 week 3 days

How Big is The Baby: According to my baby bump app Glenn is 15.7 inches and 2.75# about the size of cabbage

Symptoms:Heartburn but hopefully that gets better now that I've had some fluid removed from my lap band
Total Weight Gain:10 pounds at my appt today hoping to only gain 20 for the entire pregnancy
Maternity Clothes:All the time, I broke down and bought a pair of maternity jeans today that i hope to get some use out of this fall.
Stretch Marks: No new ones but my belly itches all the time
Sleep:Still pretty rough, falling asleep is quick staying asleep is my problem
Movement:Glenn is very active.
Food Cravings:Food in general sounds good all the time

What I Miss:Nothing I'm loving being pregnant and would give up sleep and everything else if it meant a healthy pregnancy and baby to  bring home.
What I’m Looking Forward To: Our 32 weeks appt in 2 weeks with a ultrasound and starting my weekly non stress test to watch for signs of high blood pressure and other problems, and hopefully avoid a preterm delivery

Milestones:Making it to 30 plus weeks with knock on wood so far no problems

Sunday, August 28, 2011

29 Weeks

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:29 Weeks

How Big is Baby:At our last ultrasound Glenn weighed 2# 14 oz, My Baby bump app says he should be 15.25 inches and weigh 2.5 # about the size of a butternut squash

Total Weight Gain:At my last appt i had only gained 10#.. I'm hoping to only gain 20 for the pregnancy. I go next week and have an adjustment to my lap band so i can eat a little more and gain.

Maternity Clothes: All the time

Stretch Marks: No new ones but my belly itches from growing

Sleep:I can fall asleep pretty easy but staying asleep is the problem. I get a good 4 hr stretch before I'm awake and lay there for an hr or longer

Movement:Glenn is a very active little guy already.

Food Craving:Food in general.

What I Miss:Nothing

What I’m Looking Forward To: Our next appt and then the next appt with ultrasound

Milestones:making it to 29 weeks and so far knock on wood no problems, my fetal fibernecton was negative at my last appt so there is no sign of preterm labor...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

28 plus weeks

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:28 weeks 5 days

How Big is Baby:At our ultrasound today Glenn weighed in at 2# 14 oz and a wek ahead in al his measurments.

Symptoms:Heartburn, nesting, fatigue, exhaustion

Total Weight Gain:10 pounds

Maternity Clothes:All the time

Stretch Marks: No new ones

Sleep:Getting better due to tylenol pm and a new body pillow

Movement:I am pregnant with a ninja baby.. Just kidding but he is very active

Food Craving:Food in general


What I’m Looking Forward To: Meeting my son in November, Our next appt in 2 weeks, Our getaway to relax and destress for our anniversary in 2 weeks.

Milestones: We have reached 28 weeks nd if Glenn were born now he has 90+ percent survivaln rate , 10 percent or less long-term disability

Sunday, August 14, 2011

27 Weeks

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:27 Weeks

How Big is Baby:Glenn is 14.5 inches and weighs about 2 pounds according to my Baby Bump pro app.  He is about the size of a head of cauliflower.

Symptoms: Growing pains, heartburn

Total Weight Gain: Weighed today at wrk and im up 10.2 from my pre pregnancy weight

Maternity Clothes:Exclusively when not at work

Stretch Marks: Nonew ones but my belly itches as though im getting new ones soon

Sleep:Tylenol Pm is my best friend at night. It pretty rough up and down all night unless i take tylenol Pm

Movement:All the time.

Food Craving:Choclate Milk,


What I’m Looking Forward To: our ultrasound next Thursday and being in the 3rd trimester

Milestones:WOOHOO we are offically in the 3rd trimester according to some ticker sites and some say next week will be 3rd trimester. I cant wait to meet my lil man in only a few weeks. 12 weeks 6days to be exact til my dream induction date of 11/11/2011

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Jordan and Hope opening her Big sister gifts

Jordan and me with the yummy cake

Erin my wondeful shower host

not a great belly shot, 25 weeks 7 days

Sunday, July 31, 2011

25 Weeks

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:25 weeks I promise a belly picture tonight when i get a free moment . Totally forgot my 24 week shot.

How Big is Baby:About 13.5 inches long and 1.5 pounds. About the size of a rutabaga according to my Baby Bump app. At my appt on Thursday he measured right on track but weighed in at about 1 pound 12 ounces.

Symptoms:Heartburn and horrible leg cramps

Total Weight Gain:I had actually dropped 4 pounds at my appt on Thursday so I'm at 12 pounds this pregnancy

Maternity Clothes:All the time

Stretch Marks: NO new ones but my belly itches all the time

Sleep:Getting better most nights with the help of Tylenol Pm and a warm bath

Movement:All the time. Glenn loves to remind me daily of the blessing in our life and that he is still growing and doing great in my tummy

Food Craving:Chocolate milk

What I’m Looking Forward To: Getting the results of my gestational diabetes test and my Baby Shower this coming up Saturday.

Milestones:WE have officially made it past the point of viability and are moving right along.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

24 Weeks

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:24 weeks

How Big is Baby:Glenn measure about 12.5inches long and weighs in at about 1.25pounds this week. He is about the size of a ear of corn. This info is from my Baby Bump app.

Symptoms:Leg cramps, nausea and heartburn

Total Weight Gain:Not sure i see the doc on Thursday and will know my weight then.

Maternity Clothes: Exclusively for my everyday wear.

Stretch Marks: No new ones but my tummy does itch like crazy from growing. I have really popped out this last week

Sleep:Its actually getting better and i think it all has to do with my new wonderful work schedule and no call.

Movement:All the time. He is a super active little boy. He loves when I drink cold things especially chocolate milk.

Food Craving:Sushi, and fruity mixed drinks


What I’m Looking Forward To: Seeing Glenn again n Thursday at our appt and us.

Milestones:WE have officially reached the point of viability in this pregnancy.Hoping he wants to stay in for another 15 plus weeks and that my blood pressure and things will follow the rules and stay down.

Monday, July 18, 2011

23 Weeks and some days

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:23 weeks and 2 days

How Big is Baby:Glenn should be measuring about the size of a large mango. and weighing about 1.1 pounds. He was on the big side at 20 weeks so i figure he might still be a chunky baby.

Symptoms:Heartburn,Charlie Horses that wake me up at night in tears they hurt so bad, Waking up at least 3 times weekly nauseated, and pain in the right hip that shots down my leg and makes it difficult to walk. This pregnancy is so different than Hope's pregnancy.

Total Weight Gain: i am down to my weight at 17 weeks so i am again at a 8 pound gain but it depends also on how much fluid I'm holding and such what i weigh from day to day.

Maternity Clothes:exclusively in my day to day wear and regular work pants and a old navy tee on work days.

Stretch Marks: no new ones

Sleep: Its actually has been pretty god this last week. I think it has to do with my work schedule and no longer the stress of call I'm able to finally reach the deep relaxing sleep stage.

Movement: All the time. Glenn is way more active than Hope ever was.

Food Craving:Not much this week different than other weeks.


What I’m Looking Forward To: Our repeat gender scan on Sat at 10:30 and finishing up the baby registry. Baby shower coming up soon.

Milestones:We are almost to the point of viability in a pregnancy but I'm this for the long stretch of 39 weeks and 6 days hoping to give Glenn a bday of 11-11-11

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

22 Weeks. Better late than never...

Due Date:11/13/2011

How Far Along:22 weeks 4 days

How Big is Baby:Glenn measures approx 11 inches and weighs about 1 pund according to Baby Bump App. He is about the size of a spaghetti squash.

Symptoms:Heartburn and insomnia

Total Weight Gain:At my 20 week appt i had gained 16 pounds according to the scale. I dont beleive it as i dont feel like i have put on that much weight. I also had worked a 16hr shift the day before and was still puffy when i saw the doctor.

Maternity Clothes:Exclusively when at home. For work it is still my regular scrub pants and a Old Navy tee.

Stretch Marks: No new ones

Sleep:AWFUL. Im lucky to get a good straight 4 hrs a night and then i toss and turn. Taking tylenol pm helps me get about 6 before the tossing and turning starts

Movement:All the time. This little man is way more active and much stronger at 22 weeks than his sister was at 34 weeks.

Food Craving:Carbs,Meatloaf, Cereal, Fruity drinks minus to alcohol- they sound so good now that it is 100+ degress outside daily.

What I Miss:Nothing

What I’m Looking Forward To: Cooler temps,purchasing the crib quilt and putting toghter the nursery.

Milestones:22 Weeks and a great appt at the peri, no need to return and my Blood pressure is great.

Glenn Michael Ramey

Yes ladies and gentleman you read that right. My blog title is the name of our SON.

We went for our 20 week scan at the peri office and learned that i was in face carrying a baby boy. I have felt from day one of my pregnancy i was carrying our son. Since the scan at 20 weeks i have had 3 doctors review the pics and 2 more ultrasounds and all have said boy. We get to go back to Stork Vision on July 23 for a rescan since they got it wrong at 17 weeks. Now few pictures of our son for you all to ohh and ahh at.

Glenn Michael Ramey

Next to the word BOY is his cord. WE defiently have a boy growing in my belly....