
Monday, December 5, 2011

1 Month Stats on Glenn

Wearing the outfit your dad wore home from the hospital 26yrs ago.

Glenn tuned 1month old on Sunday December 4,2011. We had a uneventful day at home snuggled up watching the cold rain fall and Sunday football with dad.

Weight:Our home scale says you weigh 8 pounds 8 ounces. Almost 2 pounds since birth..

Diaper Size:We are finishing up the last pack of newborn today and then you will be wearing size one. The newborn is tight on your little legs.

Clothes Size: Some newborn onesie but your sleepers are 0-3 months for the length. You are a long skinny guy.

Sleep: You love to be swaddled at night and if you are not then you are very restless and neither of us sleep much. You are sleeping in the bassinet in our room.Over the last week sleep has gotten better. You now go down for the night about 9pm and will sleep til about 2 am, then you are up at 2,3:30,5 and for the day about 7. I hope we can stay on this schedule with a few less frequent waking after 2 when i return to work.

Eating: During the day you eat about every 1 1/2 to 2 hrs sometimes more frequently. During the night we start with a 5 hr stretch then you wake about every 1 1/2 hr to 2 hrs to eat.

1st:You celebrates your 1st Thanksgiving
You also met Dr. Cutler who delivered you.

Hair:You still have quite a bit a blondish/red hair. It is curly after your bath and super adorable.

Unexpected diagnosis:You were diagnosed as tongue tied on Friday November 11,201 and had you \r tongue clipped on Wednesday November 16,2011 by Dr. Selz. On Tuesday November 22,2011 you were diagnosed with reflux and now take zantac twice a day.